Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Assalamualaikum ,

Seperti yang aku janji kan semalam,aku nak post story untuk hari ni kan ? okay ! aku akn buat.Let's start.

Hari kitorang(pengwas)yang terlibat dengan pendaftaran form hadir ke sekolah pukul 7.30.Waktu tu memang waktu kemuncak.Sebb kitorang belum ready lagi parents dh beratur memanjang ! YAALLAH ! pening gile kott bila fikir balik.

Dengan perut yang lapar , kami masih meneruskan tugas.Bile slot ke-2 masuk,ibu bapa dah tak ramai sangat lah.Kitorang pon boleh siap merayau ke kaunter-kaunter lain.=).Tepat pukul 12.00 kitorang dah tutup kaunter ! yeay ! memang penat gile bdan dan kitorang dan upah sorang seringgit dr PUAN.SITI ROHANA.

Terima kasih cikgu,kerana menghargai kami.Lepas tu , kitorang rehat-rehat kat bilik pengwas.Pukul 1.15 kitorang gerak ke MCD untuk FAREWELL PARTY tahun 2010.Capture-capture gambar.Seronok sangat and aku dapat coklat dengan tedyy bear dr hamimah.THANKS SYG!

Dan tetibe,tetamu yang kitorang tak sangke datang.Tetibe datang.Anyway,thanks to shahrul sebab jadi wakil kepada budak2 lelaki yang tak sporting langsung nk dtg.!Tapi kan , kenapa tetibe dy kene dduk sebelah aku ni !!.Teruklahh korang..Pastu,dia boleh cakap aku control cute dan malu-malu.Eyy ! malu tu mestilahh ! cute ? buat ape aku nk control.Aku tak cute pon !

Dan masa balik aku sedih sangat.Hamimah nak pindah tahun depan.Honesstly,aku menangis bila baca surat dia.Aku doakan dia berjaya.Harap dia tak lupakan kitorang kat sini.Dan kitorang pon baliklah.Kat rumah pulak asilla boleh pegi bg mesej kat aku.Menangis aku baca mesej dia.Kalau nak tau korang pegi sini dearishilla.blogspot.com..

Aku sayang kawan-kawan aku.Tahun ni tahun terbaik yang pernah aku alami.I enjoyed my 14 life.Thanks to all my friends yang menemani aku sepanjang tahun ni tak kisahlahh lelaki ke permpuan.Aku sayang korang sangat-sangat.

Asilla,Hamimah,Aleen,Maz,Afifah,Ayu,Tasya,Shahrul,Isman,Al-Fath,Mursyidul.Geng-geng borak pengawas.Semua pengawas form 2.Aku sayang korang sangat.Good luck oke ^^.Thanks for being my friends and maafkan lahh aku andai aku ada mnyakiti hati korang.

This is only for him , emm...Take care of yourself dear.We'll meet and we'll text and we'll chat.So,don't worry.Thanks for coming today.We appreciated it so much.Althought, you get your ice cream right? =).So,happy holiday and i'll miss you.(aku tau korang tertunggu tunggu aku ckp ni kan=)).Annyeong !

Aku akhiri dengan gambar-gambar kitorang mase FAREWELL tadi.

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
We've known each other since we were nine or ten
Together we've climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and ABC's
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees
Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I'll be there

We had joy, we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed
Were just seasons out of time

Goodbye buddies please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song
Wonder how I got along
Goodbye buddies it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them, I'll be there

We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song
Like the seasons have all gone
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song
Like the seasons have all gone

Goodbye Mimah my little one
You gave me love and helped me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on the ground
Goodbye Mimah it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there