Wednesday, March 07, 2012

After the case about Pn.H , i just keep quiet after that.I can't forget on how she said about me.But, someone made me smile ..

Masa aku keluar dari sekolah (lepas habis sekolah lah =.=),Aku berdiri dengan asilla kat pondok.Then, Aleea datang.Dia cakap "fiahh , A kirim salam ;)" "shhhh.." pastu dia terus blah -.- I was like '"what the hell she just talk about?"

I just ignored it.While we waited for the transport,Amer duduk sebelah asilla pastu dia panggil A "oii A,lepakk dulu.Tengok,aku duduk dengan asilla" *smthinlikethtlahh:)* . A look around then he walk beside me,"kalau macam tu,aku lepak dgn Afiah laa" I looked at him and laugh.He just looked t me and ask me "ehh,kau bulan 5 kan lahir ?" , "yepp" aku jawab. the he was like "oh! you're up me.:("

at the evening - after co-curiculum activity Asilla and I walked back to home.But,we stop at the topup shop.Asilla went there and I went to the public phone to call my mom.I saw A and his friend and pretended i don't see them.While i was dailing my mom number, "hah!!!" I was SHOCKED ! A just suprised me.He came from the back of the phone booth and give me a shocked -.-. I was like "where the hell he just come from? i thought they didnt see me"
And we are like ... umm .. berdiri kat situ berdua.Kawan2 dia pulak boleh berdiri kat tepi tengok kitorang.Asilla pulak pergi berdiri dekat kedai toupup tengok kitorang dari jauh .. O.O

By fate , we wore the same beg.Mr.A showed off said that he wore the same beg with me.I was just laughing like stupid .. haha !

Honestly , yeahh , i like him and i can say I'M COMPLETLY OVER MR.S :) because of him.I just can say he made my day.everytime i felt sad or dissapointed.He will cheer me up EVEN he not doing anything.Just looking at his face make me back to normal and smile .. I just know that i'm falling for her when all the love songs make sense ..

p/s ; dude , i like you .. don't love someone else