Friday, October 14, 2011


heyy peeps ! ^^

 hows you guys life going ? exciting ? whatever it takes just live every moment.As you guys know i'm a PR candidate 2011 and we're just done having our WAR a couple of days ago.I'd think i'll rate it as 65% over 100% . Well , for MATH . its 50-50 in P1 and 95% easy in P2.I wish i can score well in P2 cause it my only hope to get marks.

Next >> i am sure all the candidates have a program after PMR right ? how is it ? is it fun ? Mine was not (for the first day though) but it was fun on the second day.At least we're moving.I mean ike the first day,the teachers just told us to sit and listen.But for the second,we're moving around.Do the activity together.It was fun.

Today we had a competition called "DRESS FROM NEWSPAPER".We need to design something from the newspaper and make it to a dress or something.At first,we are all like "WTF! NEWSPAPER?HOW WE'RE GOIN TO DO ABOUT THAT?" but at the end we had a lot of fun and the cooperation between is is the BEST.And guest what , we WIN 1ST place !!! we're so proud of our work ! . And of course our cute model  ,AFIFAH make it more interesting :)

For the second activity is cooking.They called it "MASTERCHEF DIDIANS".We need to do something according to the thing given.They gave us bread,vegies and other .... .As our group,we're not prepared ANYTHING! even a single knife.So,we just use our creativity to make the SANDWICH.And we're not expected anything cause we dont have any additional plate,any other thing to make it more pretty.We just what they gave and our brain to make it NICE.And we WIN again but this time its 3RD.It was pretty interesting because other group hve so many pretty decoration and ours just use the thing they gave and POOF! we WIN.

And the most proud moment when our group are the ony girl group that win the MASTER CHEF competition.At least , the girl power are still there :) Lastly , i wanna thank my group members for today ADLEEN,ASILLA,HAWA,NABILA,HAZIRAH,FATIHAH,SYAFIQAH,AFIFAH,MAZ, AND NATASHA.You guyss are the best and thanks for today :)