Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Assalamualaikum , 

Its been a while now.Sorry for not updating too much.I've been busy burning the midnight oil for my FINAL PMR.Honestly,i'm way too nervous ! i think i'll BOM my self up.I already got the trial paper and got only 1A for agama and 4B and 2C and E for mathematics :) 

I know i'm stupid in math and like you'll always say "do more math excercise !! " dude , you dont have any idea how many question i did ! I'm studying my ass of and this is what i've got. Yeah ~ maybe this is the result for all myhardwork.Redha je lahh ~~

And talk about the stupid dumbass , adalah sorang mamat ni perasan gila  ! aku taknak lahh cakap apa yang dia perasan , takut menjatuhkan maruah dia pulak kan.Well boy , i tell you what , MY BLOG IS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU ! AND THE WRITER IS ME SO IT UP TO ME WHAT SHOULD I WROTE.Plus i dont need any follower/reader like you ! BASTARD !